Lawyer and founding partner of the Dal Pozzo Law Firm, one of the most important Brazilian law firms in the area of Public Law, highly specialized in Administrative Law, Civil Procedural Law and Infrastructure Law, has worked for the past 20 years in the conception of juridical models in infrastructure projects and in the juridical solution of strategic issues regarding the execution of extremely complex public contracts. As a result of his immensely recognized work regarding juridical matters in the infrastructure market in Brazil and abroad, combined with the authority derived from the advanced studies he has conducted in the academic and institutional fields, his knowledge about the most common juridical adversities pervading such market is of unique caliber, especially in the areas of water supply and sewage treatment, public construction work, roads, railroads, public lightening, education, health, urban mobility and on several transversal themes in infrastructure, especially tenders and request for proposals, public contracts, concessions, PPP’s, regulatory law and compliance and integrity programs. Professor of Administrative Law and Fundamentals of Public Law at the renowned law school of the PONTIFICAL CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO (PUC-SP), and in the international sphere, Professor of the Permanent Group of the Post-Graduation course at the UNIVERSITY OF CORUÑA, in Spain; invited Professor of the Post-Graduation course in Administrative Law at the UNIVERSITY OF BELGRANO, in Argentina; guest Professor of the course “Business and Compliance” at BARRY UNIVERSITY, in the United States, and a member of the faculty of the MBA focused on PPP’s and Concessions at the LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE (LSE) in association with the SCHOOL OF SOCIOLOGY AND POLITICS FOUNDATION OF SÃO PAULO (FESPSP), he has developed extensive academic work on several themes connected with Administrative Law, especially regarding infrastructure. Many papers resulting from such academic research have been published in major academic journals in Brazil and abroad. Some of the most important newspapers and magazines in the country have also published his articles and technical-juridical comments on current affairs, trends and the intricacies of the infrastructure market. More recently, his work on “Expression of Interest (EOI) Projects” was cited as a national reference on the theme in the study called “Structuring PPP’s and Concession Projects in Brazil: Diagnosis of the Brazilian Model and Proposals for betterment”, conducted by BNDES (Brazilian Development Bank) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) from the World Bank. He is Currently seeking a Ph.D. in State Law at the PONTIFICAL UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO (PUC-SP), where both the Master’s degree and the Specialist degree were also obtained. He is a member of the Research Groups on “Public Procurement Contracts”; “Weighting of Interest in Administrative Law” and “Regulation”, all of which are registered with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Still in the academic field, he is the Coordinator of the Journal of Administrative Law and Infrastructure (RDAI), published by Thomson Reuters Editora Revista dos Tribunais; Coordinator of the Brazilian Journal of Infrastructure (RBINF) and Coordinator of the International Journal of Public Law (RIDP), both published by Fórum, and Coordinator of the Forum Collection on Law and Infrastructure. He holds a post-graduate degree in the “Management Program for Lawyers” and in “Corporate Governance”, from the Yale School of Management, and an executive post-graduation in Infrastructure in the Market Economy, from Harvard Kennedy School, recognized world- wide as the main accreditation for senior decision-makers working in the global infrastructure market, where he had the opportunity to conduct in-depth research on fundamental themes in the sector of infrastructure such as regulation, partnerships between the public and private sectors, public sector comparators, privatization, economic development, state- owned enterprise (SOE), renegotiation, private and project finance, capital markets and political strategy. Augusto has been awarded the Trophy “Mérito da Advocacia Raymundo Faoro”, the highest honor from the Brazilian Bar Association in recognition for the merit of his invaluable work as the President of the Special Committee on Infrastructure Law of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association. Born and raised in the city of São Paulo, Augusto has kept deep institutional relationships with acclaimed national and international entities. Founder, with other members of the academy, and current President of the Brazilian Institute of Legal Studies in Infrastructure (IBEJI), the most important Brazilian entity connected to infrastructure whose mission is to face, with scientific rigor, the challenges imposed by the juridical aspects of infrastructure projects. Representative, in Brazil, of the Committee of National Coordinators of the Red Iberoamericana de Contratación Pública, an international organization created to unite specialists on the theme of public procurement; member of the Institute of Administrative Law of São Paulo (IDAP); member of the Asociación Argentina de Derecho Administrativo (AADA); member of the International Bar Association (IBA); member of the Lawyers Institute of São Paulo (IASP); founding member of the Brazilian Institute of Law and Business Ethics (IBDEE), of the Think Tank on Concessions and PPP’s of the Development Bank (BID), in Brazil, and of the Committee on Infrastructure, Logistics and Sustainable Development of the Brazilian Bar Association (COINFRA — OAB-SP).


Published Work Highlights

  • Aspectos Fundamentais do Serviço Público no Direito Brasileiro, Editora Malheiros, 2012.
  • Lei Anticorrupção – Apontamentos sobre a Lei nº 12.846/13 (co-authored with Antonio Araldo Ferraz Dal Pozzo, Beatriz Neves Dal Pozzo and Renan Marcondes Facchinatto), Editora Contracorrente, 2ª edição, 2015.
  • Estatuto Jurídico das Empresas Estatais (Coordinator), Editora Contracorrente, 2018.
  • Tratado sobre o Marco Regulatório do Saneamento Básico no Direito Brasileiro (Coordinator). A Gestão do Serviço de Saneamento Básico pelo Instrumento da Concessão, Editora Contracorrente, 2017.
  • Parcerias Público-Privadas – Teoria geral a aplicação nos setores de infraestrutura (Coordinator). Procedimento de Manifestação de Interesse e o Planejamento Estatal de Infraestrutura, Editora Fórum, 2014.
  • Regime Diferenciado de Contratações Públicas – RDC (Lei 12.462/2011; Decreto nº 7.581/2001): Aspectos fundamentais (Coordinator). Panorama Geral dos Regimes de Execução Previstos no Regime Diferenciado de Contratações – A contratação integrada e seus reflexos, Editora Fórum, 3ª edição, 2014.
  • Tratado sobre o Princípio da Segurança Jurídica no Direito Administrativo (Coordinator). O Princípio da Segurança Jurídica e o Processo Licitatório – Breves reflexões a respeito da correta exegese do artigo 9º da Lei nº 8.666/93, Editora Fórum, 2013.
  • O Serviço Público (tradução da obra “Le Service Public” de Jacques Chevallier, co-authored with Ricardo Marcondes Martins), Editora Fórum, 2017.
  • O Estado de Direito (translation of the book “L’État de droit”, de Jacques Chevallier, co-authored with Antonio Araldo Ferraz Dal Pozzo), Editora Fórum, 2013.
  • Panorama acerca da nova lei de mediação e seus reflexos na Administração Pública. In: O Direito Administrativo na Atualidade – Estudos em homenagem ao centenário de Hely Lopes Meirelles (collective work organized by Arnoldo Wald, Marçal Justen Filho and Cesar Augusto Guimarães Pereira), Editora Malheiros, 2017.
  • São aplicáveis, às desapropriações indiretas, os limites percentuais de honorários advocatícios constantes do art. 27, § 1º, do Dec.-lei 3.365/1941, que estabelece o intervalo percentual de 0,5% a 5% do valor. In: Teses Jurídicas dos Tribunais Superiores: Direito Administrativo II (collective work coordinated by Maria Sylvia Zanella di Pietro and Irene Patrícia Nohara), Editora Revista dos Tribunais (Thomson Reuters), 2017.
  • As Agências Reguladoras e a Concessão de Serviço Público de Saneamento Básico. In: Saneamento Básico: Temas Fundamentais, propostas e desafios (obra coletiva sob organização da Coordenação de Saneamento Básico do Conselho Federal da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil), Editora Lumen Juris, 2017.
  • Os principais atrativos das parcerias público-privadas para o desenvolvimento de infraestrutura e a necessidade de planejamento adequado para sua implantação. In: Parcerias Público-Privadas – Reflexões sobre os 10 anos da Lei 11.079/2004 (collective work coordinated by Marçal Justen Filho and Rafael Wallbach Schwind), Editora Revista dos Tribunais (Thomson Reuters), 2015.
  • A responsabilidade dos agentes pela prática de atos ilícitos e de improbidade administrativa na Lei de Acesso à Informação (Lei 12.527/11). In: Acesso à Informação Pública (collective work coordinated by Rafael Valim, Antonio Carlos Malheiros and Josephina Bacariça), Editora Fórum, 2015.
  • O exame do conceito de serviço público na jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal e a doutrina do Professor Celso Antônio Bandeira de Mello. In: O Direito Administrativo na Jurisprudência do STF e do STJ: Homenagem ao Professor Celso Antônio Bandeira de Mello (collective work coordinated by Flávio Henrique Unes Pereira, Márcio Cammarosano, Marilda de Paula Silveira and Maurício Zockun), Editora Fórum, 2014.
  • O Dever de Planejamento Estatal e a efetividade na prestação de serviço público de saneamento básico. In: Elementos de Direito da Infraestrutura (collective work coordinated by Gilberto Bercovici and Rafael Valim), Editora Contracorrente, 2015.
  • A concessão de serviço público e o encerramento dos contratos por prazo determinado. In: Novos Rumos para o Direito Público – Reflexões em homenagem à Professora Lúcia Valle Figueiredo (collective work coordinated by Marcelo Figueiredo), Editora Fórum, 2012.
  • Afastamento de Prefeito Municipal no Curso de Processo Instaurado por Prática de Ato de Improbidade Administrativa. In: Improbidade Administrativa – Questões Polêmicas e Atuais (collective work coordinated by Cassio Scarpinella Bueno and Pedro Paulo Porto Filho), Editora Malheiros, 2001.
  • Aspectos Concorrenciais do Contrato de Colaboração, Cooperação e Compromisso Empresarial – Mercado de iluminação pública nacional. In: Revista Brasileira de Infraestrutura (Coordinator), Editora Fórum, volume 11, 2017.
  • Aspectos jurídicos de permissão de uso de bem público destinado à comercialização de alimentos. In: Revista Brasileira de Infraestrutura (Coordinator), Editora Fórum, volume 10, 2016.
  • Breves considerações sobre o ato discricionário no regime jurídico-administrativo brasileiro. In: Revista Brasileira de Infraestrutura (Coordinator), Editora Fórum, volume 9, 2016.
  • Método de planejamento econômico-financeiro em projetos de infraestrutura. In: Revista Brasileira de Infraestrutura (Coordinator), Editora Fórum, volume 5, 2014.
  • Modificações nos regimes jurídicos das Parcerias Público-Privadas e do setor educacional – Fomento aos investimentos e redução de riscos para a iniciativa privada. In: Revista Brasileira de Infraestrutura (Coordinator), Editora Fórum, volume 4, 2013.
  • Concessão de Serviço Público. Diferenças entre o regime da Lei nº 8.666/93 e o da Lei nº 8.987/95. Possibilidade de superação dos limites estabelecidos no § 1º do art. 65 da Lei nº 8.666/93 nos contratos de concessão de serviços públicos. In: Revista Brasileira de Infraestrutura (Coordinator), Editora Fórum, volume 1, 2012.
  • Panorama acerca da atividade desenvolvida pelos Tribunais de Contas e o exercício da função administrativa. In: Revista Internacional de Direito Público (Coordinator). Editora Fórum, volume 1, 2015.

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